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A member registered Aug 27, 2021

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Buddy, part of the problem here is Kael and his simps silencing all discussion about the game that isn't glowing praise, down to tracking people down to other servers and harassing them for not discussing the game in a way Kael likes or pointing out how he lies to his audience. It gets people pissed off.

You're not going to solve this by derailing the thread, pretending everything is fine and trying to cover up that Kael is scamming people and patrons are upset about it. It's just going to get people angrier. 

And you're doing this for who? For a guy that lies to your face, takes your money and expects you to defend him anyway? Grow a spine. 


Good cucks, good, keep it up! Kael will surely reward your efforts with another fake release date soon!

Yes, he will be healthier if the only people he interacts with are the ones telling him it's ok to keep taking money and not delivering updates. I'm sure that will convince him to get back to writing.

You've done your part defending his honor. Good little cuck! Maybe he'll return the favor by promising you another release date to get your hopes up. Perhaps, you'll even have the honor of defending him when people accuse him of being a scammer when he doesn't meet it! Keep it up! Wouldn't want to ruin his vacation by having to work... writing discord rants about how much he's getting harassed, would you?

Honestly, kudos for trying to reach an understanding.

I know bitching and whining about this situation is counter productive if all you want is an update, or at least an acknowledgement over the lack of one and clearer communication, but at this point, I'm just saddened to see people defend a guy that has clearly got no respect for them.


  • Radio silence on any platform that isn't discord (where he's surrounded himself with people that will defend everything he does)
  • Only communicating with the people supporting him monetarily to inform them about merch so they can give him more money
  • Emotionally toying with people by announcing release dates and getting their hopes up (to keep patrons from unsubbing) and then not even an acknowledgement when he doesn't meet them
  • Blaming fans for the delays and generally only thinking about how this situation affects him
  • Going on vacation after four months of no content he's still getting paid for
  • Only allowing you in his vicinity if you think the game is fantastic and just want to gush about it and how he's handling it

... it has all the signs of an abusive parasocial relationship to me. I know there's EVEN MORE drama that makes Kael look like even more of a narcissist, but that doesn't concern his fans.

Honestly, at this point I don't care about the game. It's tainted to me. I just want people who are still... spellbinded? by the hope of eventually getting more himbo wolf adventures, to think about who the person they're fervorously defending is, and how little of a shit he gives about them.

Here to check if the simps are still defending the guy that is showing off the nice meals he's having and going on vacations again with their Patreon money while he continues to spit on their faces by faking out on the release date again.

...Oh, looks like they're still doing that. Good, little cucks, keep it up, that trip to Portugal isn't going to pay for itself. Surely, any month now he'll get tired of getting lots of money for doing nothing and get back to writing.

Maybe if you simp a little harder to make the meanies go away, he'll consider it...?

Not really, he just got the creator of those games to publicly distance himself from people that say anything negative about FBTW, possibly under threat of convincing Haps to not work with them anymore if they don't.

People have been discussing the fbtw drama on that server and venting their frustration with Kael's manipulative behavior and the lack of communication on the updates, Kael is friends with the artist of the VN that makes them the most money, so he has enough influence to give Howly an ultimatum, and I've never seen another vn creator fiercely control how people discuss their work to the degree that Kael does, either directly or indirectly through his fans. It's pretty blatant that it's him.

I know it sucks to admit that a content creator that made something you love does all this crazy unhinged shit to stop people from saying anything about his vn that isn't glowing praise, but the evidence is staggering.

The guy just can't handle people saying anything mildly negative about the characters or release schedule, uses his influence to try to shut it down, and that gets people that overall liked the vn but had one or two complaints completely turn on him. That's the story of most of the people here and on other servers that are upset. They aren't haters. They're people that like this vn, but don't like being forced to discuss it the way the creator wants them to.

Imagine being so obsessed with controlling the conversation about your game that you get the owner of one of the largest furry VN discord servers to disown it just because they're afraid you'll convince their artist, who is your friend, to leave if they don't bow down to you

If people were able to say "I like the vn but I really don't like the main character" without being told "omg you're so toxic get out you're upsetting Kael!" maybe this wouldn't be an issue.

But the comparison is inevitable due to how similar they are.

That's a problem- you're not allowed to say that in Kael's vicinity. He insists he came up with the idea separately, but the sheer number of coincidences is staggering, and it keeps piling up as the VN goes on, down to how Ranok and Amicus are posed in CGs. If you say that on his server, he goes ballistic. And if you say that on other servers, any fans he has there will jump and deny it.

For me, the fact that it's a retread is not a problem. I initially liked FBTW precisely because it takes the same premise and does it better imo, but it's the same premise, to the point that newcomers are confused and think it's a sequel. The degree of effort that goes into denying something so blatant rubs moderate fans the wrong way.

(1 edit)

"if you paid for something you shouldn't expect anything in return! You took a gamble and it didn't pay off. Now stop saying bad things about the guy taking your money for nothing!" 

Your attitude disgusts me. Imagine getting scammed and still defending the guy to the death.  I shouldn't be surprised that the fanbase of an Adastra copy-paste job is full of cucks. 

Bingo. It's a very simple thing to ask for from a creator that promises deadlines and gets paid to do what he does. If Kael doesn't want accountability because it's stressful, fine, he should not promise deadlines, explain to the patrons that there will be no build this month, and work at his own pace. I don't think people would be upset. 

The problem would not have escalated so much if the people asking for basic communication and transparency weren't met with "noooo you entitled piece of shit you aren't owed anything if he doesn't feel like communicating with patrons let him, just wait until he feels like it".

Stop overstating harm and coddling the guy. All you do is make the people who are mildly annoyed with the situation seriously angry at the fanbase, and Kael for enabling it by surrounding himself with white knights and yes-men.

If you promise an update, and then can't make it, just tell people. It's not that hard.

If, instead, you don't say anything, and cry about being harassed when people ask about something you didn't communicate, and deal with the problem by letting dozens of simps jump to defend you, people are going to get pissed.

Kael doesn't take criticism about the game's writing well either. As far as he's concerned, you can be a simp that defends everything he does and says the game is the second coming of Jesus, or you're a harasser and a troll.

So yes, this is a situation he created himself by responding violently to mild criticism and refusing to communicate.

If you make a big announcement, promising that the build will come out at date X, and then the date X comes and the game isn't out, and you don't communicate it properly, it's understandable that people will ask what happened. And asking what's up isn't a personal attack (although he treats it like one).

Yes, he doesn't have an obligation to deliver the game to people that aren't paying for it. But if you promise something and get people's hopes up, you at least owe it to people to tell them that you're not going to make it, or that you're taking a break. There's nothing wrong with that. All people want is transparency from the developer, and not to be called trolls and assholes when they complain about getting radio silence.

And if people are paying for the game, yes, you're obligated to tell them if they're paying you and not getting anything in returnThere's still no Patreon announcement about the hiatus right now. 

People aren't upset because the game is delayed, game developers are human beings that deserve to take a break. People are pissed that Kael promises release dates, then refuses to communicate it properly when he can't meet them, and if you dare ask him about it he treats it like a threat, cries about being harassed and sics his whiteknights on you.

I got kicked out of the server for asking a harmless question and getting called a troll, and I've heard lots of similar stories, even fans tracking people down that complain about the game on other servers. It's impossible to say anything even remotely negative about the game.

I used to love FBTW, but this fanbase and developer left a bad taste in my mouth. It's very sad. If you defend everything Kael does and treat anyone that doesn't like absolutely everything about the game and its development as a potential threat, I implore you to reconsider, because you're breeding the toxicity that Kael is complaining about that gets the game delayed.